So for a quick Braxton update:
**He is sitting up all on his own now for 10+ minutes at a time.
**He's been rolling around for a month or so now! He can get where ever he wants. :)
**He's figuring out the crawling thing, he gets up on his hands and knees and can take one step forward before crashing and he can push himself backwards quite nicely.
**He loves, I mean loves the dogs. He watches them so intently, and giggles at everything they do!
**He's been eating rice cereal and fruits and veggies for a little over a month now and absolutely loves his food! He has to have his own spoon when I feed him so that he can shove it in his mouth in between bites!
I think that about covers it, All I have left to say is what did I do before I was a MOMMY! Man can life get any better?