So first random thought........ I was at church on Sunday when a lady came up to me and was all excited because she had just noticed that I was pregnant:) The kicker was when I told her I had 6 weeks left! She told me that I hid it well! ( I didn't know I was trying to hide anything!)
Next random thought........My girlfriend Nikki and my momma threw a baby shower for me on Sat! It was tons of fun, I wish more people had shown up though cuz I got stuck ( wink wink) with the left over cheesecake! Oh shucks on second thought I don't mind at all~ It was fun to get to see everyone and visit! I get to pay Nikki back in about 2 months as she is also expecting a little boy!
Another random thought...........I think Josh and I are finally all moved into our house! Yes I know we moved in in April, but we went through the garage this weekend and finally gave everything a home that had been homeless for 7 months! Yeah now our garage is ready for a big new car! ;)
Last random thought........I am surprisingly sleeping more at night then I was 2 weeks ago.....maybe I'm just getting used to that oh my heck I have to pee again feeling, or I'm drinking less water in the evening, or I'm getting bigger and so he's not squishing my bladder as bad. Whatever the reason it's been nice to go from being woken up every hour to pee to 2 to 3 times a night! Yes! Let's hope it stays that way:)